






Email :303813500@qq.com




  • 2005/03 – 2008/06,河海大学,土木与交通学院,博士,师从徐卫亚教授

  • 2002/09  - 2005/05, 山东科技大学,土木建筑学院,硕士

  • 1998/09  - 2002/04, 山东科技大学,土木建筑学院,学士


  • 2008/10-2013/6,河海大学土木与交通学院,岩土工程科学研究所,讲师

  • 2010/11-2011/10,法国里尔科技大学LML实验室,访问学者,师从邵建富教授

  • 2013/7-2018/6,河海大学土木与交通学院,岩土工程科学研究所,副教授

  • 2018/7-现在,河海大学土木与交通学院,岩土工程科学研究所,教授/博导

  • 2023.8-现在,新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,援疆干部,教授/博导


  • 岩土力学计算理论与方法

  • 岩土多场耦合

  • 岩石动力学

  • 岩土工程安全预测预警


  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩土多场耦合专委会秘书长

  • 中国岩石力学与工程学会科普委员会委员


  • 河海大学岩石力学与防灾减灾研究生导师团队,第三届江苏省“十佳研究生导师团队”,20228月,江苏省教育厅

  • 石崇(9/10,BIM技术在南太湖CBD主地标项目的施工应用,2022第五届优路杯全国BIM技术大赛,优秀奖

  • 石崇(5/10),多尺度裂隙岩体力学特性研究与应用,中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新成果奖,二等奖,2021

  • 石崇(5/7),国家需求与创新引领驱动的岩土工程方向新工科人才培养虚实并重实践教学模式,河海大学教学成果奖,二等奖,2021

  • 石崇(5/10),深埋隧洞岩体非线性变形破坏理论与控制关键技术,中国岩石力学与工程学会,科技进步奖一等奖, 2021

  • 石崇(5/10),城市深厚砂卵石层多尺度岩土力学分析理论、关键技术及工程应用,陕西省科技厅,科技进步奖二等奖, 2021

  • 石崇(6/10),市政工程深厚砂卵石宏细观岩土力学特性及施工关键技术,中国岩石力学与工程学会,科学技术奖二等奖,2021

  • 石崇(4/10),复杂工程岩体损伤特征精细化采集、识别与评价集成系统,中国大坝工程学会,技术发明奖一等奖,2019

  • 石崇(7/10),水工岩体损伤信息精细化采集与数字化识别集成系统及应用,电力创新奖,二等奖,2019

  • 石崇(13/15).多尺度裂隙岩体力学行为理论与工程应用,中国电力规划设计协会电力工程科学技术进步奖,2017年, 证书J-2017-1-X09-G13

  • 石崇(2/5). 裂隙岩体渐进破坏力学理论与方法,岩石力学与工程学会自然成果奖,一等奖,2017(朱珍德,石崇,阮怀宁,何志磊,倪晓慧)

  • 石崇(2/15) . 喀斯特地质条件下岩体对爆炸荷载动态响应规律研究,中国爆破行业协会,三等奖,2016

  • 石崇(14/15) . 深水厚抛石基床大分层重锤夯实关键技术研究,中国水运建设科学技术奖,二等奖,2016

  • 石崇(14/15.土岩二元地层结构中深基坑支护体系关键技术研究,广东省水利学会水利科学技术奖,二等奖,2016

  • 石崇(2/15.水利水电工程大型堆积体特性及失稳防控研究,中国水力发电工程学会,水力发电学会科技进步奖,特等奖,排名22013

  • 石崇(14/15.水电工程大型地下洞室群反馈优化及长期稳定性研究与工程应用,中国水力发电工程学会,水力发电学会科技进步奖,三等奖,2011

  • 石崇(2/19.大型水电工程岩石高边坡工程安全理论研究与工程应用,大禹水利科学技术奖奖励委员会,大禹水利科学技术进步奖, 一等奖, 2010

  • 石崇(2/10).复杂围岩引水隧洞精准变形反演与智能安全预警关键技术,浙江省岩土力学与工程学会,科技进步奖二等奖,2020

  • 石崇(4/5).河海大学首届优秀研究生导师团队(岩石力学跨尺度分析理论与方法团队).2020.

  • 石崇(5/5).滑坡堰塞体稳定测试与评价虚拟仿真实验,教育部国家一流课程,河海唯一,2020


  • 纵向科研项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52379100),强震作用下巨型堆积体边坡的灾变演化与工程控制,在研,50

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51679071,强震区胶凝堆积体多尺度动力特性与灾变机理, 2017/01-2020/12, 结题,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点基金,41831278,柱状节理岩体界面渗流-应力耦合灾变演化机理与控制理论研究,2019/01-2022/12,参与,在研

  • 国家重点研发计划课题,2018YFC1508501,堰塞坝病险情辨别与探测技术,2018.12-2021.12,结题,参与。

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51309089、基于细观特征分析的冰水堆积体渐进破坏机理多尺度研究、2014/01-2016/12,结题、主持。

  • 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划):“强震区重大岩石地下工程地震灾变机理与抗震设计理论”第三课题,2015CB0579032015/01~2019/12,结题,主持子题。

  • 江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金)青年项目、BK20130846、高速公路层状软弱岩质边坡水弱化灾变演化机理研究、2014/07-2016/06,结题、主持。

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51379065THM耦合过程中深埋岩石裂纹扩展机理与变形破坏规律研究,2014/01-2017/12,参与,结题

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,11202063 ,“多尺度损伤本构模型及其在岩土力学中的应用”, 2013/01-2015/12、结题、参与。

  • 教育部科技发展中心,新教师基金(2009563111),含各向异性弱面的高陡边坡动力响应分析,结题,2009-2011,结题,主持

  • 国家科技支撑计划项目(2009550252: 高陡边坡、超大洞室群安全监测技术与预警方法2009-2010,结题,参与

  • 横向科研项目,千米深井低采高岩石保护层工作面高效预裂技术研究与应用,2021.1~2022.12,在研,参与

  • 横向科研项目,大型沉井下沉涌土/砂作用机理及控制技术研究,2023.3~2023.12

  • 横向科研项目,鄞州区“数字交通”(二期)项目公路地质灾害评估及预测模型分析算法应用,2022.6~2022.12

  • 横向科研课题,水工隧洞高承压水破碎岩体成洞技术研究,2022.1~2022.12

  • 横向科研课题,地质构造过程PFC2D/3D数值模拟技术研发,2021.3~2021.10

  • 横向科研课题,考虑河谷地形效应的泄洪洞出口边坡及争岗滑坡体地震响应研究,2022.4~2022.10

  • 横向科研课题,新疆和田地区民丰县尼雅水利枢纽坝肩边坡稳定性研究,2021.12~2022.12



  • 石崇,褚卫江,张一平,陈晓.岩土工程颗粒流数值模拟技术应用案例[M].中国建筑工业出版社,2023

  • 石崇,张强,王盛年,编著.颗粒流(PFC5.0)数值模拟技术及应用[M].中国建筑工业出版社,2018

  • 石崇,徐卫亚,著.颗粒流数值模拟技巧与实践[M].中国建筑工业出版社,2015

  • 石崇,王如宾,主编.实用岩土计算软件基础教程[M].中国建筑工业出版社,2016

  • 石崇,褚卫江,郑文棠,编著.块体离散元数值模拟技术及工程应用[M] .中国建筑工业出版社,2016

  • Chong SHI, Yiping ZHANG, Yulong ZHANGetal.Microdamage study of granite under thermomechanical coupling based on the particle flow code[J].Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering,2022https://doi.org/10.1007/s01007-023-0953-9

  • Chong Shi, Lerong Wang, Cong Zhang,et.al. A pipe domain seepage model based on outsourcing Voronoi network with particle flow code[J].Computational Particle Mechanics,2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-023-00620-y

  • Xiao Chen, Chong Shi,Yun Jia,et.al. Numerical study on seepage properties of rock mass with non-penetrating fracture using discrete element method[J].Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech. 20231–24DOI: 10.1002/nag.3639

  • Li Wangyang, Shi Chong, · Zhang Cong.Numerical study on the effect of grain size on rock dynamic tensile properties using PFC-GBM[J].Computational Particle Mechanics,2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-023-00634-6

  • Chengfu Hu, Chong Shi, Yiping Zhangetal.Numerical simulation study on erosion collapse failure mechanism of cemented conglomerate accumulation[J].Engineering Computations,2023,DOI 10.1108/EC-08-2022-0580

  • Cong Zhang , Chong Shi, Shanyong Wang,etal.Vibratory compaction properties of off-shore gravity quays rubble bed based on rigid blocks[J].MARINE EORESOURCES  & GEOTECHNOLOGY, https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2023.2241467

  • Chong Shi, Xianzhi Si, Yiping Zhang,et.al. A simplifed model for stability analysis of reservoir bank slopes under water level dropping condition[J]. Granular Matter ,2022,24:90 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-022-01253-3

  • Chong SHI, Jincheng Ma, Yuxian Zhou,et.al. Three dimensional slope stability analysis method based on perturbation displacement isosurface[J]. Natural Hazards,2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05758-1

  • Dejie Li , Chong Shi, Huaining Ruan, Bingyi Li. Shear Characteristics of Soil—Concrete Structure Interaction Interfaces[J]. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(18), 9145; https://doi.org/10.3390/app12189145

  • Jincheng Ma ,Chong Shi. Searching Method of Critical Slip Surface of Slope Based on Improved Wolf Swarm Algorithm[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering ,2022, 9600684,1-10https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9600684

  • Chong Shi , Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Chen, Lerong Wang. Seepage Deformation and Failure of Rock Mass Under High Water Pressure With a Discrete Element Method[J]. Front. 2022.12| https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2022.857158

  • ChongShi,WangyangLi,QingxiangMeng.ADynamicStrain-Rate-DependentContactModelandItsApplicationinHongshiyanLandslide[J].Geofluids,2021, 9993693, 1-23

  • Chong ShiJunxiong YangWeijiang Chuetal.Macro- and Micromechanical Behaviors and Energy Variation of Sandstone under Different Unloading Stress Paths with DEM[J].Int. J. Geomech., 2021, 21(8): 04021127

  • Shi C, Yang B, Zhang Y, et al. Application of Discrete-Element Numerical Simulation for Calculating the Stability of Dangerous Rock Mass: A Case Study[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(12):04020231.

  • Xiao Chen,ChongShi,Huai-NingRuan,Wen-KunYang.Numerical simulation for compressive and tensile behaviors of rock with virtual microcracks[J].ArabianJournalofGeosciences (2021) 14(870 ):1-12

  • Xiao Chen, Chong Shi, Yu-Long Zhang, Jun-Xiong Yang;.Numerical and experimental study on strain rate effect of ordinary concrete under low strain rate, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2021:1-16.

  • Zhang Y, Shi C , Zhang Y, Yang J, Chen X. Numerical analysis of the brittle–ductile transition of deeply buried marble using a discrete approach. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2021,8(4):893-904

  • Junxiong Yang,Chong Shi, Wenkun Yang, Xiao Chen,Yiping Zhang.Numerical simulation of column charge explosive in rock masses with particle flow code[J]. Granular Matter,2019, DOI:10.1007/s10035-019-0950-2.

  • Chong Shi, WenkunYang,Junxiong Yang,Xiao Chen. Calibration of micro scaled mechanical parameters of granite basedon a bonded particle model with 2D particle fow code[J]. Granular Matter,2019, 21(2):38-51

  • Chong Shi, Chenghui Zhang, Cheng Jin, Qiang Zhang.Experimental study and numerical simulation of propagation and coalescence processes of pre-existing flaws in a transparent rock-like material[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2019, 11(5) 1–11

  • Chong Shi, Su-le Liu. An underwater stress-testing technique for the heavy-hammer tamping of a rubble-mound foundation[J], Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2018,10(1):1-11

  • SHI Chong, SHEN Jun-liang, XU Wei-ya, WANG Ru-bin, WANG Wei. Micromorphological characterization and random reconstruction of 3D particles based on spherical harmonic analysis [J]. Journal of CentralSouth University, 2017, 24(5): 1197−1206

  • Chong Shi, Wenkun Yang , Weijiang Chu, Junliang Shen,Yang Kong.Study of Anti-Sliding Stability of a Dam Foundation Based on the Fracture Flow Method with 3D Discrete Element Code[J].energies, 2017, 10, 1544:1-15

  • Chong SHIDe-jie LIKai-hua CHENJia-wen ZHOU. Failure mechanism and stability analysis of the Zhenggang Landslide at the Yunnan Province of China using 3D particle flow code simulation[J]. Journal of Mountain Science2016135):891-905

  • Chong ShiDe-jie LiWei-ya XuRubin Wang. Discrete element cluster modeling of complex mesoscopic particles for use with the particle flow code method[J]. Granular Matter ,2015, 17:377–387

  • Chong ShiJinzhou Bai. Compositional Effects and Mechanical Parametric Analysis of Outwash Deposits Based on the Randomized Generation of Stone Blocks[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2015,(2015):1-13

  • SHI ChongCHEN Kai-huaXU Wei-yaetal. Construction of a 3D meso-structure and analysis of mechanical properties for deposit body medium[J]. J. Cent. South Univ. 2015,22(1):270-279

  • Shi ChongZhang, Yu-LongXu Wei-Ya,et.alRisk analysis of building damage induced by landslide impact disasterEuropean Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering201317s1):126-143

  • Shi ChongWang Sheng-nianLiu Lin.Mesomechanical simulation of direct shear test on outwash deposits with granular discrete element methodJournal of Central South University of Technology2013204):1094-1102

  • Wang, S. NShi, C.*Xu, WY.et.alNumerical direct shear tests for outwash deposits with random structure and compositionGranular Matter2014165):771-783

  • Yulong Zhang,Zaobao Liu,Chong Shi, Jianfu Shao. Three dimensional Reconstruction of Block Shape Irregularity and its Efects on Block Impacts Using an Energy Based Approach[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2018, 51:1173–1191